vendredi 29 août 2008

demain: jeûne de 12h pour le peuple tibétain, de 7h à 19h

demain: jeûne de 12h pour le peuple tibétain, de 7h à 19h

Bonjour mes amis, Hello my friends,

Please have a look at this documentary film done by a tibetan documentary director, arrested after he has finished it.
Thank you to make this film known...

Merci bien à vous de visionner ce film réalisé par un documentariste tibétain, arrêté peu de temps après le tournage terminé.
Merci de faire circuler ce message...

Tibet: "Beijing 10" return to USA;
new Tibet docu "Leaving Fear Behind."

Below, Leaving Fear Behind (in Tibetan: ‘Jigdrel’), a truly incredible documentary film shot by Dhondup Wangchen and other ethnic Tibetans from inside Tibet, about bringing Tibetan voices to the Beijing Olympic Games. This really is an amazing piece of filmmaking. Wangchen was jailed by authorities in China for making this film. Snip:

With the global spotlight on China as it rises to host the XXIX Olympics, Tibetans wish to tell the world of their plight and their heartfelt grievances against Chinese rule. The footage was smuggled out of Tibet under extraordinary circumstances. The filmmakers were detained soon after sending their tapes out, and remain in detention today.

jeudi 28 août 2008

Very near our Holiness...

Proche, très proche de notre Hôte Sa Sainteté Le Dalaï Lama à Lerab Ling...Etions-nous ensemble tous et toutes, RELLEMENT, MERVEILLEUSEMENT !
Near, very near, every...bodies, together with our Guest His Holiness The Dalaï Lama, at Lerab Ling, REALLY, so Great and Marvellous!

Merci Sogyal Rinpoché !
Thank you...

La suite, en images: celles que nous avons réalisées...Un jour, bientôt ! Avec la création d'un site "flickr" spécialement dédié à l'évènement, avec des amis allemands, américains, hollandais et français: me les demander, via ce blog SVP !
See the following with our own pictures, soon, very soon ! Through the website "Flickr", organised by friends from Germany, USA, Nederlands and France: please, be kind to ask me if you would like to see them !

Découvrez Johnny Cash!